Member-only story

Traveling The World Starts With Ice Cream

A one-page memoir

Aaron Nichols


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Sometimes you need a push to take the first step. The push I needed came from my father, on the sweaty July day that he bought me ice cream in 2014. If it hadn’t been for that Ice Cream, I may never have started vagabonding, and this wouldn’t be a happy story.

The trouble had started two weeks before. My girlfriend and I had been saving for a trip to Europe, and we had put away a good amount. Enough to travel for at least two months. We had both been wanting to go on a trip, but before we had a chance to go anywhere, we broke up. We split the money we had saved down the middle and went our separate ways. Two weeks later, I was at my parents’ house, feeling sad confused.

“It’s too bad I can’t go traveling anymore,” I told my Dad. He looked surprised.

“Why can’t you?” He asked.

“I don’t want to go alone,” I replied. My Dad laughed.

“I want ice cream.” He said. “Let’s try the new place.” We drove downtown and tasted a few flavors. My Dad decided on hazelnut. I got mint chocolate chip. After we had taken a few bites (we don’t eat anything slowly in my family) my Dad asked me the big question.



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